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Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's 'Notes on Grief' is a poignant reflection on the author's personal experience of losing her father during the COVID-19 pandemic. Through raw and honest storytelling, Adichie shares her journey through grief, memories of her father, and the challenges of mourning in a time of restrictions and uncertainties. The book beautifully captures the complexities of grief, the cultural aspects of mourning in Nigeria, and the emotional turmoil of losing a loved one unexpectedly.
If you liked Notes on Grief, here are the top 100 books to read next:
- #1
'A Grief Observed' by C.S. Lewis is a poignant and honest exploration of the author's personal journey through grief following the death of his beloved wife. Through a series of raw and heartfelt reflections, Lewis delves into the depths of his emotions, doubts, and struggles with faith in the face of loss. The book offers a candid portrayal of how grief can challenge even the strongest beliefs and how one can navigate through the overwhelming pain of loss.
The writing style of 'A Grief Observed' is described as intimate, emotional, and deeply personal. It provides readers with a glimpse into Lewis' innermost thoughts and feelings as he grapples with the profound impact of his wife's passing. The book is noted for its unflinching honesty, poignant observations, and the way it captures the complexities of grief with both clarity and vulnerability.
At other times it feels like being mildly drunk, or concussed. There is a sort of invisible blanket between the world and me. I find it hard to take in what anyone says. Or perhaps, hard to want to ta... - #2
The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion is a deeply personal memoir chronicling the author's experience with grief and mourning after the sudden death of her husband and the critical illness of her daughter. Didion's writing style is described as raw, honest, and poignant, capturing the profoundness of a lengthy marriage and the crippling grief of its unexpected end. The book delves into the stages of grief, offering insights and detailed analysis of the author's reactions, thoughts, and feelings as she navigates through loss and tries to come to terms with this life-altering event.
At times, the book reads like a shipwreck, mirroring Didion's state of mind during this period when she grapples with the possibility of her husband's return. The writing is elegant yet down to earth, with a sharply honed talent for language and a strict honesty that makes this memoir a treasure. Didion's ability to convey emotions surrounding loss and love is highlighted, as she weaves together memories, personal reflections, and literary allusions to create a contemplative collection of prose that delves into the depths of human experience.
Those were the first words I wrote after it happened. The computer dating on the Microsoft Word file (“Notes on change.doc”) reads “May 20, 2004, 11:11 p.m.,” but that would have been a case of my ope... - #3
H is for Hawk by Helen Macdonald is a memoir that intertwines the author's journey through grief after the loss of her father with her experience of training a goshawk named Mabel. The book also delves into the life of author T.H. White and his struggles with training a goshawk, providing a parallel narrative to Macdonald's own story. Through eloquent prose and vivid descriptions, Macdonald navigates the complexities of falconry, personal loss, and self-discovery, creating a compelling narrative that blends elements of memoir, biography, and nature writing.
FORTY-FIVE MINUTES north-east of Cambridge is a landscape I’ve come to love very much indeed. It’s where wet fen gives way to parched sand. It’s a land of twisted pine trees, burned-out cars, shotgun-... Broken Open: How Difficult Times Can Help Us Grow by Elizabeth Lesser is a deeply impactful book that shares personal journeys of growth and resilience during challenging times. The author weaves together stories of spiritual transformation and self-discovery, offering profound insights and wisdom to the readers. Lesser's writing style is described as beautiful and insightful, dropping nuggets of wisdom that resonate with readers on a profound level. The book delves into themes of personal growth, resilience, and finding strength in the face of adversity, making it a powerful guide for those navigating difficult life transitions.
When Route 25 leaves the mountains of northern New Mexico, the city of Albuquerque appears suddenly like a mirage—a slice of strip-mall America shimmering on a flat shelf of ancient desert. In all my ...- #5
'It's OK That You're Not OK: Meeting Grief and Loss in a Culture That Doesn't Understand' by Megan Devine is a heartfelt exploration of grief and loss through the lens of the author's personal experience and professional expertise. Devine, a therapist who tragically lost her partner, eloquently articulates the complex emotions of grief in a relatable and accessible manner. offers a blend of personal stories, practical advice, and writing prompts, making it a valuable resource for those navigating the turbulent waters of grief.
Readers commend the book for its realistic and practical approach to grief, providing insights on the individual nature of grieving and emphasizing the importance of self-care and understanding. Devine's writing style is described as human, graceful, and devoid of the typical cliches often found in self-help books, offering a comforting and validating space for readers to explore their own grief journeys.
Time has stopped. Nothing feels real. Your mind cannot stop replaying the events, hoping for a different outcome. The ordinary, everyday world that others still inhabit feels coarse and cruel. You can... - #6
'How to Survive the Loss of a Love' by Melba Colgrove is a manual on how to navigate the grieving process after experiencing a loss, whether it be through death, separation, divorce, or any kind of grief. The book is structured in a way that combines short instructions on one side of the page with poetry on the other, providing comfort and understanding to the reader during their time of mourning. The writing style is described as simple, easy to read, and relatable, making the reader feel like the author truly understands their emotions and struggles.
'The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying' by Sogyal Rinpoche is a contemporary rendering of centuries of Tibetan Buddhist wisdom, explained to the Western mind. It serves as a restatement of The Tibetan Book of The Dead, bridging the gap between the ancient Buddhist tradition and the Western world. The author helps readers understand age-old techniques based on the classic Tibetan Book of the Dead, exploring the healing potential that comes from viewing death as another chapter of life.
MY OWN FIRST EXPERIENCE of death came when I was about seven. We were preparing to leave the eastern highlands to travel to central Tibet. Samten, one of the personal attendants of my master, was a wo...- #8
'Levels of Life' by Julian Barnes is a poignant exploration of love, loss, and grief. The book is divided into three parts, with the first two sections delving into the history of ballooning and the story of actress Sarah Bernhardt respectively. These sections are described as interesting and light-hearted, providing a contrast to the devastating third part where Barnes opens up about his personal grief following the death of his wife. The writing style is praised for being beautiful, insightful, and honest, with a seamless transition between the different themes explored in the book.
Colonel Fred Burnaby of the Royal Horse Guards, member of the Council of the Aeronautical Society, took off from the Dover Gasworks on the 23rd of March 1882, and landed halfway between Dieppe and Neu... The Dark Interval: Letters on Loss, Grief, and Transformation by Rainer Maria Rilke is a collection of 23 letters written in the early 20th century to console friends and acquaintances experiencing loss, including the loss of loved ones and pets. Rilke's writing style is described as formal and timeless, offering thought-provoking ruminations on death, grief, and the transformative power of pain. The letters advocate for embracing the dark interval between birth and death as a means of contributing to a more intensely lived life.
Throughout his life, the poet Rainer Maria Rilke addressed in direct and personal letters individuals who were close to him, who had contacted him after reading his works, or whom he had met briefly—a...- #10
Grief is the Thing with Feathers by Max Porter is a poetic and inventive novella that explores the themes of death, loss, and grief through the perspectives of a father, his two young sons, and a crow. The book switches between voices, offering a unique blend of poetry, near poetry, and irregular fiction to portray the journey of a family coping with the sudden loss of their wife and mother. Through the presence of Crow, who acts as both a tormentor and a healer, the family navigates the complexities of grief, finding moments of raw emotion, dark humor, and profound love.
Four or five days after she died, I sat alone in the living room wondering what to do. Shuffling around, waiting for shock to give way, waiting for any kind of structured feeling to emerge from the or...