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26 comment(s)
4 stars
A world haunted by mists at night and raining ash in the day, where the common people, Skaa are oppressed and Nobility of Great houses flourish by immortal Lord Ruler's 1000 year rule. Lord ruler has gifted nobility the mystical power called Allomancy where one can burn metal inside oneself and get some supernatural powers. Some half bred Ska's too show these mystic powers.
Kelsier, a mistborn (who can burn all the 10 metals) survives Lord Rulers pits of Hathsin ,most hellish prison. He forms a group with Vin (another ska mistborn) and other mistings (his old thieving friends) and plans to destroy the nobility, the empire and the Lord Ruler himself.
The plot is very good, especially the starting and the end. The middle was a bit dull where there were only plans and things moved a bit slow. It was funny how Kelsier's secret meetings reminded me of my own team meetings. A captivating world with complex magic system and wonderful characters. Looking forward to reading the second book in this series
Happy Reading!
I don't think I have ever taken this long to read a book before! Almost two months to finish! I thought it was really interesting but it dragged on and on!
Este libro me ha dejado en conflicto durante bastante tiempo.
Mientras lo leia pensaba que era fenomenal, que iba a ser uno de mis favoritos.
El final me pareció muy forzado y muy cogido por los pelos. Aún así 5 estrellas, no? Pero cuando fui a darle una puntuación me di cuenta de que ultimamente me había dejado muy vacio por dentro.
Lo puedo equiparar a ver una pelicula de Marvel, mientras la ves te entretiene y piensas que es fantastica pero acaba y no deja más huella.
This wasn't one of those books that immediately suck me into their world and completely absorb me into their plot. It was one of those books that continually gets better and better with every page you turn. The characters, once we got to know them, were interesting and well fleshed out. The plot twists were well done and unexpected, while still continuing the flow of the story.
I can't wait to read the rest of this series!
Brandon Sanderson has quickly become one of my favorite authors. I’ve read a lot of his books this year, but this one just might be the best so far.
Everyone has to start somewhere. Not everyone is going to nail it their first time.
If anyone aside from Sanderson wrote this, it would be a 1 star.
I really liked this book! He created an excellent magic system with good rules and boundaries (ala his laws) and was a great read!
Very engaging plot with fast pace. It keeps you at the edge of your seat as well as it makes you emotionally connect with these characters
it's so so good, I love the magic system and the characters, everything is perfect.
Too boring