I adored this fairy tale with a storytellers vibe. It felt old but also fresh and heartfelt, and a bit melancholy, which I don’t usually like, but I liked in this book.
The forced proximity, captive and escape plot, plus the protagonist fighting her feelings for this alpha male was really fun and memorable.
I don’t know what was going to happen and I really liked that! I liked the two main protagonists and how loyal they were to each other
I found the story to be gripping. You were rooting for the protagonist but there was a mystery about who were the good guys and who were bad. I also thought the world building was great and creative, inaginative
I love how snarky and smart the protagonist is. The story is creative and weird. So different from other books in this genre.
It was brutal and steamy. Not something I would read all the time, but the raw action and adventure scratched an itch.