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Comments by KPWebb
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Criminally underrated powerhouse book in the somewhat progression-fantasy genre.

The prose itself is sharp, harsh and suitably complex, suiting the settings of the world and the protagonist being depicted.

Clearly made with love and thought unlike many progression fantasy releases that are, in my worthless opinion, sometimes a step below what I would imagine a 12 year old to write.

Highly recommended.

(I do wish the author would use their actual name or a more general pseudonym, as I worry that using something akin to an online community username pushes some potential readers away from enjoying this brilliant piece)

2 weeks • 1 Like
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This book series is my core inspiration and what I aspire to achieve when writing humour into my works.

I enjoyed the series, LOVED some of the characters, and whilst I have quite a few problems with the series at large, I think Derek is one of the best at smooth unannounced comedy.

3 weeks • 2 Likes
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Almost everything I want in a book, and some.

And…more some. More some coming through. A sprinkling of some to top it off.

I think you’ve created quite a special world, reminiscent of well known works but its own thing all at-once.

Let down slightly by a somewhat dull prose at times, still worth a read and I am looking forward to your continued works, thanks Charlie.

A Unique, eldritch, squirmy cold world with very little light left.

Bleak done right, without the need for stereotypical crutches.

Thank you for your work Peter.

What a beautifully ugly world you’ve written.

Thanks Mike, very enjoyable.

Commented on:
3 weeks • 1 Like
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A fun series overall.

Absolutely love how you wrote Kest.

Thanks for the books Sebastien.

Very well-written.

If I’m not mistaken this was published amidst a sea of books within the same genre and this stood out quite a bit, deservedly so.

Look forward to seeing your works over the coming years, thanks Evan.

I might just say this has been the most influential book series for me when it comes to writing.

Darren Shan showed me through these books just how ‘real’ a character can feel if you breathe life into them with your words and your time.

It was the turning point of me looking at the macro and putting all I had into the ‘whole’ and really working on the micro of my characters and trying to make them a familiar friend, an old flame, a bittersweet memory from the past, the awe inspiring uncle, etc.

I believe it will colour how I write my character till I put the pen down.

Thank you Darren.

This was a breath of fresh air to me, having gone through a period of unloved writing and undeserving admiration.

A sorely underrated trilogy that I would highly recommend any fantasy fan to read.

Thank you James, a lovely, extremely well done series.

I generally only leave a review on the first of the series, but I would like to add that whilst this may be a fairly rigid, by-the-book plot and doesn’t dare to exceed those parameters, when I put it up against many of the trilogies I have read over the past 10 years, it leaves a massive impression.

3 weeks • 1 Like
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