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Comments by grrrargh
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The core of this story is a good one, but so much of the book was excess and not needed. So. Much. It took from the greatness of the story and muddled it. It needed to be about 200-300 pages shorter. A drawn out read and I don't mean because of the page length.

4 months • 2 Likes
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The plot revolves around a painfully obvious conversation that never happens. I kept wanting to pull my hair out. When at the very end, the truth is revealed (which was easy to figure out early on), the “ending” that comes is just so unsatisfying. You take us on this long, frustrating journey, just to give us no real closure? Big no no.

7 months • 1 Like
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It’s an amazing premise and had so much potential but it felt like it hadn’t been fleshed out. Like it was written for a high school assignment or found in a creepy thread on a forum.

8 months • 1 Like
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As the book went on, the plot and actions just became ridiculous. I couldn’t bear to finish it and skimmed the last of it.

The only good thing was the premise. Felt like a chore to read. Didn’t finish.

9 months • 2 Likes
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I was 80+ pages in and still bored. Didn’t finish.

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