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Comments by jortup295
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4.5/5 - Super interesting and in-depth look at the history of Marvel movies. They should have waited another few months. They missed a really good ending point with the release of the Marvels, the strikes, and the postponement of future MCU movies providing a clean ending/pivot point.

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3.5 / short and sweet. Cool world, cool idea. A nice little mystery. It read more like the pilot for a sci-fi show than a book.

2021 Review:

“Their heads are heads of rock, their hearts set upon rock. Set your sights on something higher.”

This book is so stinking good! Highly recommended for anyone who is even vaguely interested in sci-fi.

Review from First Read:

I loved it. Great story, characters, and writing. No unnecessary love stories. An overall excellent blend of post-apocalyptic sci-fi and Top Gun that wasn’t overly grim or self-serious. Can’t wait to start the sequel!

Original Review

Oh dang, I think this was even better than the first one. Not sure I can handle the wait for book 3!

Re-read Review January 2022

After reading these two books back to back it’s hard to rate one over the other. Skyward is a better stand-alone story, but Starsight has an incredible “Sanderlanche” ending that leaves you wanting more more more. Thankfully, this time I can jump right into book 3!

In the previous book Tarzan stumbled on a hidden valley that had sheltered two towns of warring medieval knights for hundreds of years. In THIS book Tarzan stumbles on a hidden valley that has sheltered two towns of warring ancient Romans for hundreds of years… Not sure why ERB thought he could get away with ripping himself off in back-to-back books. To be fair, other than the basic premise, ERB did manage to craft a unique story.

Tarzan the gladiator is a cool twist on the jungle man. The side plot with the German adventurer was underwhelming. The first two acts were good, but it falls apart a little bit in the final third.

This will be my last Tarzan review for the year. I’ve enjoyed these Authorized Library editions with the extra long forewords and afterwards that provide historical context. Unfortunately the next batch of these won’t be published until December.

Easily one of the best “Hard Sci-fi” books I’ve read. I generally lean towards the other end of the sci-fi spectrum because I’m not a big brain science guy, but Andy Weir writes science in a way that makes the reader feel smarter than they are… and I need that

Edgar Rice Burroughs was the master of pulpy adventure tales. His Tarzan and John Carter of Mars stories are dated but still a lot of fun. This one? Not so much. It read more like a bad travelogue than an adventure tale. The author often spends pages describing the plants and animals of this strange new world, only to quickly skip over the action once it arrives. The entire climax of the story gets about one page. The epilogue hints at an exciting sequel, but I’m not sure I’m willing to give this world a second chance.

The protagonist, David, is so bland that I had trouble even remembering his name. Compared to Tarzan and John Carter he has very little personality. It kind of feels like ERB phoned this one in. I can’t believe this generated enough interest to lead to six sequels!

3.5/5 What happens when a shipload of WWII soldiers winds up in primitive parallel universe? I love the idea but the execution could have been better. Tons of promise and I’m interested to see where the story goes. I had lofty expectations after reading the Lost Regiment, a series that pulls off this same type of alternate history really well.

Holy cow, what an adventure! I gave the first book in the series a bit of a hard time for being a little slow and one dimensional, but book 2 fires out of the gates like a rocket and doesn’t slow down until the epilogue. The battles are fantastic and the stakes always feel desperate and heart-pounding.

The plot and characters are anything but one-dimensional this time around. We get a much better understanding of the bad guys and their motives, and we realize that not all of the good guys are “good” guys. There’s a ton of depth to the characters, their motives, and their often heart-wrenching decisions.

A book about WWII soldiers getting sucked into a parallel universe full of dinosaurs and giant lemurs has no right being this good, but holy cow, it’s really stinking good.

3.5/5 A really interesting and unique concept that ultimately feels a little more incomplete than it should. Maybe I’ve been spoiled by longer books recently, but there are so many threads here that feel unsatisfyingly loose. I already have the sequel ready to go, and I’m excited to see what’s next for the Bobs.

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