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Books matching: technophobic protagonist

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  1. #1

    The Rapture of the Nerds by Charles Stross, Cory Doctorow

    In "The Rapture of the Nerds," authors Charles Stross and Cory Doctorow present a wild and imaginative tale set in a future world post-singularity, where much of humanity has transitioned to a posthuman state. The story follows Huw, a technophobic potter thrust into a complex political dilemma involving a mix of quirky characters, including a crazy judge, insane American fundamentalists, and his own mother. The narrative navigates through a blend of technobabble, philosophical musings, and fantastical ideas, offering a mix of humor, heart, and soul beneath the gizmos. The plot, while dense with ideas and references, ultimately centers on Huw's journey through a post-singularity world, exploring themes of ludditism, human-machine interaction, and the limits of technology and the economy.

    This is by no means unusual, but for once Huw’s head hurts more than his bladder. He’s lying head down, on his back, in a bathtub. He scrabbles for a handhold and pulls himself upright. A tub is a ter...

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