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Books matching: tandy angel

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  1. #1

    Confessions of a Murder Suspect - Confessions by James Patterson

    'Confessions of a Murder Suspect' by James Patterson is a young adult thriller mystery that follows the story of Tandy Angel, who, along with her siblings, becomes a suspect in the murder of their parents. The plot revolves around the investigation into the murder, with Tandy taking on the role of narrator and speaking directly to the reader, creating an engaging and personal connection. As the mystery unfolds, Tandy delves into her family's secrets, her own past, and the dynamics among the siblings, all while trying to unravel the truth behind her parents' deaths. The writing style is fast-paced, with a gripping narrative that keeps readers hooked until the very end, exploring themes of trust, family, and self-discovery.

    I have some really bad secrets to share with someone, and it might as well be you—a stranger, a reader of books, but most of all, a person who can’t hurt me. So here goes nothing, or maybe everything....

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