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Books matching: small new york village setting

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  1. #1

    Judas Child by Carol O'Connell

    "Judas Child" by Carol O'Connell is a standalone mystery thriller that follows the story of a child trying to escape from her abductor. The plot is riveting, with a shocking twist at the end that keeps readers hooked into the night. The story unfolds in a small town where two children are abducted, leading to a complex investigation that delves into the past crimes of the community.

    The writing style of Carol O'Connell is described as sharp, emotionally cutting, and engrossing. The characters are well-developed, evoking strong emotions in readers. The novel presents multiple points of view, adding depth to the plot and resulting in an ending that surprises and shocks readers.

    The boy’s front wheel wobbled at the exact moment he braked to a dead stop. And then the child resigned himself to the short flight over the handlebars, all but shrugging in midair. The hard landing o...

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