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Books matching: sentient supercomputer

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    The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress by Robert A. Heinlein

    'The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress' by Robert A. Heinlein is set in the future of 2075 on a lunar penal colony where inmates and their descendants plan a revolution to gain independence from Earth's rule. The story follows a diverse group of characters as they navigate through politics, society, and technology to achieve their goal of creating a free state on the Moon. The plot is filled with action, political philosophy, and social commentary, all woven together with Heinlein's trademark style of writing that explores themes of libertarianism, revolution, and the consequences of challenging authority.

    The narrative is centered around the main character, Mannie, a freelance computer technician who discovers a sentient supercomputer named Mike. As the revolution unfolds, the characters engage in discussions about alternative lifestyles, political ideologies, and the nature of humanity. Heinlein's portrayal of human nature and reactions adds depth to the story, making it believable and thought-provoking. combines elements of science fiction, political intrigue, and social commentary to create a compelling and ambitious tale of rebellion and independence on the Moon.

    I SEE IN Lunaya Pravda that Luna City Council has passed on first reading a bill to examine, license, inspect—and tax—public food vendors operating inside municipal pressure. I see also is to be mass ...

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