Books matching: segregation and slavery
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- #1
'The Sellout' by Paul Beatty is a satirical novel that challenges societal norms and explores themes of race, belonging, and identity through the lens of a protagonist seeking to reinstitute segregation and slavery in his community. Set in an agrarian community in Los Angeles, the book delves into African American politics, using humor and irreverence to confront uncomfortable truths about racism in America. The novel features a unique writing style that blends biting satire, clever imagery, and provocative language to deliver a thought-provoking narrative that pushes readers to question societal conventions.
I suppose that’s exactly the problem—I wasn’t raised to know any better. My father was (Carl Jung, rest his soul) a social scientist of some renown. As the founder and, to my knowledge, sole practitio... - #2
Roots: The Saga of an American Family by Alex Haley is a multigenerational novel following the life of Kunta Kinte, a Mandinka teenager kidnapped from Africa and enslaved in the United States. The story spans over 200 years, chronicling the hardships, struggles, and triumphs of Kunta Kinte's descendants, showcasing the brutality of slavery, the resilience of the human spirit, and the quest for liberation in America. The narrative weaves through different generations, portraying the impact of historical events on the family and highlighting the importance of connecting with one's roots and heritage.
Roots is a powerful and compelling narrative that delves into the inhumanity of slavery, the strength of family bonds, and the perseverance of individuals facing unimaginable challenges. Through vivid storytelling and unforgettable characters, the book explores themes of brutality, genealogy, triumph, and the resilience of the human spirit, offering a poignant portrayal of American history and the enduring legacy of African American culture.
Early in the spring of 1750, in the village of Juffure, four days upriver from the coast of The Gambia, West Africa, a man-child was born to Omoro and Binta Kinte. Forcing forth from Binta’s strong yo... "Homegoing" by Yaa Gyasi is a powerful novel that traces the descendants of two half-sisters, Esi and Effia, born in Ghana, whose lives take different paths during the 18th century. One sister is sold into slavery and taken to America, while the other remains in Ghana, married to a white slaver. The book follows successive generations from both lineages, providing a sweeping narrative that explores themes of family, identity, history, and the enduring impact of slavery on both African and American descendants. The novel is structured as a series of linked stories, each chapter focusing on a different character in the family tree, moving between Ghana and America, capturing the struggles, triumphs, and hardships faced by each generation.
Yaa Gyasi's writing style in "Homegoing" is praised for its beauty, descriptive prose, and captivating storytelling. The book seamlessly alternates between the two family branches, offering glimpses into the lives of each character over centuries, from the Gold Coast of Africa to present-day America. Gyasi skillfully weaves together historical events, familial connections, and individual experiences, creating a compelling narrative that sheds light on the complexities of race, heritage, and the enduring legacy of slavery across generations.
THE NIGHT EFFIA OTCHER was born into the musky heat of Fanteland, a fire raged through the woods just outside her father’s compound. It moved quickly, tearing a path for days. It lived off the air; it...- #4
"Stony the Road: Reconstruction, White Supremacy, and the Rise of Jim Crow" by Henry Louis Gates Jr. delves into the post-Civil War era in the United States, focusing on the struggles faced by African Americans for equality amidst the violent counter-revolution that aimed to subjugate them. Through a war of images and ideas, Gates illustrates the enduring racist stain on the American psyche, portraying how African Americans have fought against white supremacist and racist acts to secure their rights and humanity. examines the failure of Reconstruction in the South, the impact of Jim Crow laws, and the systematic oppression faced by African Americans in the quest for equality.
The writing of this book was occasioned by a documentary film series that I was producing for PBS concerning the period after the Civil War known as Reconstruction (1865–1877)—when the United States, ...