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Books matching: s.t. raising dee

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  1. #1

    Feral Creatures - Hollow Kingdom by Kira Jane Buxton

    "Feral Creatures" by Kira Jane Buxton is a captivating sequel in the 'Hollow Kingdom' series that continues the apocalyptic tale from the perspective of S.T., a domesticated crow, and introduces new challenges and hazards for the protagonists. The book delves into the end of human civilization through a zombie apocalypse, providing incredible insight into the operations of the animal world and exploring deep themes of existence with a mix of humor and sadness. The writing style is praised for its originality, humor, and ability to make readers think about the natural world in a new light.

    A bite is a very sudden thing. Cheeseburgers, Evander Holyfield, Peter Parker, the boat from Jaws, and mailmen throughout time immemorial have been ambushed by them. I was powerless, filled with hypno...

    (Also, see 100 recommendations for the series Hollow Kingdom )

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