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Books matching: radical revolutionary jesus

2 result(s)

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  1. #1

    My Name Was Judas by C.K. Stead

    'My Name Was Judas' by C.K. Stead offers an alternative account of the life of Jesus through the eyes of Judas, who in this novel did not betray Jesus. The book delves into the relationship between Judas and Jesus, portraying Jesus as a radical revolutionary and a charismatic celebrity figure. It challenges traditional beliefs by providing a more rational and human perspective on the biblical stories, making them more believable and contemporary for readers.

    The novel is described as beautifully written, thoroughly researched, and subversive in its approach. It presents a thought-provoking reflection on friendship, rivalry, belief, endurance, and loyalty, offering a different way to view the life of Jesus and his followers through the lens of Judas' perspective. The writing style is engaging, drawing readers into a reimagined narrative of familiar biblical events with a touch of controversy and modern relevance.

  2. #2

    Jesus: A Revolutionary Biography by John Dominic Crossan

    'Jesus: A Revolutionary Biography' by John Dominic Crossan is a challenging and thought-provoking examination of the historical Jesus. Crossan presents Jesus as a social revolutionary and politically dangerous figure, focusing on his teachings and actions that were seen as radical and subversive for the times. The book delves into the identity of Jesus, his teachings about the Kingdom of God, and his impact on Early Christianity, offering an insightful study of the New Testament and relevant historical material.

    THE NEAR EAST AND MEDITERRANEAN types of apocalypticism are certainly the most literarily elaborated….However, if we widen our scope, we will find striking phenomenological parallels in the cultures o...

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