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Books matching: publius varrus

2 result(s)

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  1. #1

    The Singing Sword - Camulod Chronicles by Jack Whyte

    The Singing Sword is the second book in the Camulod Chronicles series by Jack Whyte, which delves into the historical fiction retelling of the Arthurian legend. The story follows Publius Varrus, a Roman legionnaire and the man who will forge Excalibur. Set in the twilight of the Roman Empire, the book offers a realistic portrayal of King Arthur's ancestors, focusing on the struggles of the infant colony founded by Varrus and his friend Caius Britannicus in southwest Britain. Through the eyes of Varrus, readers witness the emergence of Arthurian motifs and characters, such as the birth of Merlyn and Uther, against the backdrop of Saxon raids and the crumbling Roman empire.

    I stood with my shoulders pressed against the wall, my sodden tunic clammy cold against my back. I raised my hand in a useless attempt to clear streaming rain-water from my eyes, and my waterlogged ca...

    (Also, see 100 recommendations for the series Camulod Chronicles )

  2. #2
    The Skystone
    Book 1 in the series:Camulod Chronicles

    The Skystone - Camulod Chronicles by Jack Whyte

    "The Skystone" by Jack Whyte is the first book in the Camulod Chronicles series, a historical fiction take on the Arthurian legend. Set in Roman Britain, the novel follows the story of Publius Varrus, a Roman soldier and blacksmith, who becomes intertwined in the events that will shape the future of Britain. The book explores the Roman Empire's decline, the beginning of a new era, and the lineage leading up to King Arthur, all while providing a realistic and detailed depiction of life during that time period.

    The writing style of "The Skystone" is described as historical and captivating, with a focus on character development and intricate details of Roman military life. The book weaves together elements of history, adventure, and nation-building, setting the stage for a series that delves into the origins of the Arthurian myths with a grittier and more realistic approach.

    My name is Gaius Publius Varrus, and I am probably the last man alive in Britain who can claim to have marched beneath the Eagles of the Roman army of occupation in this country. The others who marche...

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