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Books matching: planck, de broglie, pauli, heisenberg, schrödinger

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  1. 'Quantum: Einstein, Bohr and the Great Debate About the Nature of Reality' by Manjit Kumar is a riveting account of the development of quantum theory and mechanics, highlighting the fundamental opposition between the Copenhagen Interpretation and Einstein's view of the probabilistic nature of the subatomic world. With a focus on the historical path of quantum physics, the author brings to life the characters and rivalries among prominent physicists like Planck, de Broglie, Pauli, Heisenberg, and Schrödinger. Despite some technical aspects, the book provides a detailed exploration of the struggle to understand the complexities of quantum physics, offering a fresh perspective on the historical developments in the field.

    ‘Princeton is a madhouse’ and ‘Einstein is completely cuckoo’, wrote Robert Oppenheimer. It was January 1935 and America’s leading home-grown theoretical physicist was 31. Twelve years later, after di...

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