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Books matching: philosophical debates about free will

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  1. "Elbow Room: The Varieties of Free Will Worth Wanting" by Daniel C. Dennett explores the concept of free will in a deterministic world. Dennett argues that our deliberations matter and can influence outcomes, while also delving into the idea that the future is unknown and holds genuine opportunities. He challenges traditional notions of free will and determinism, presenting a compatibilist perspective that suggests meaningful degrees of freedom exist within a deterministic system. The book is praised for its thought-provoking content, entertaining style, and ability to clarify complex philosophical concepts regarding free will and determinism.

    When I published Elbow Room in 1984, I supposed it would be the only book on free will I would ever feel the need to publish, and I have to say that after thirty years, the book still strikes me as a ...

  2. David Neiwert's book 'Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump' explores the growth of the American far right since the 1990s, accelerated by Donald J. Trump's presidency. It provides insights into the nature of these groups, detailing alt-right networks, personalities, and history. The book delves into the stories of various extreme right-wing groups active in contemporary America, shedding light on their ideologies, beliefs, and the impact they have on today's news articles.

    It was purely a coincidence that one act followed the other, hundreds of miles apart: Roof apparently knew little about Trump and was not known to be a Trump follower. Trump had never met nor had any ...

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