Books matching: parsley massacre
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The novel The Farming of Bones by Edwidge Danticat is a haunting tale set in the Dominican Republic in 1937, amidst the genocide of Haitians. The story is narrated through the perspective of Amabelle Desir, a Haitian orphan who has endured immense hardships and tragedy. As she navigates through the violence and heartbreak, Amabelle emerges as a resilient survivor, capturing the essence of humanity in the face of state-sponsored bigotry and brutality. The narrative structure alternates between standard past tense narration and dreamlike present tense fragments, painting a vivid picture of the Parsley Massacre and the profound loss and grief experienced by the characters.
He comes most nights to put an end to my nightmare, the one I have all the time, of my parents drowning. While my body is struggling against sleep, fighting itself to awaken, he whispers for me to “li...
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