Books matching: original trilogy connections
3 result(s)
- #1
The novella "Mistborn: Secret History" by Brandon Sanderson provides readers with a behind-the-scenes look at the last two books of the original Mistborn trilogy while also offering its own narrative. It delves into the cosmere, shedding light on many aspects more directly than other works by the author. The story explores different perspectives, adds context to the original trilogy, and reveals secrets and connections that enhance the overall Mistborn universe. The writing style is engaging, with some readers appreciating the exploration of characters like Kelsier and the intricate worldbuilding that ties the Mistborn series into Sanderson's greater Cosmere universe.
(Also, see 100 recommendations for the series Mistborn ) - #2
"Rogue Squadron" in the series "Star Wars: X-Wing" by Michael A. Stackpole follows the story of Wedge Antilles as he reforms Rogue Squadron with new members like Tycho Celchu and Corran Horn. The plot involves intense space battles, training sequences, and the introduction of characters like Director Ysanne Isard and Kirtan Loor. The writing style is described as enjoyable pulpy sci-fi military excitement with well-described battles and good character development, focusing on non-essential characters in the Star Wars universe.
You’re good, Corran, but you’re no Luke Skywalker. Corran Horn’s cheeks still burned at the memory of Commander Antilles’s evaluation of his last simulator exercise. The line had been a simple comment... - #3
'Aftermath' in the series 'Star Wars: Aftermath' by author Chuck Wendig is the first of a trilogy that delves into the events between the fall of Death Star II and the rise of the First Order in the revised Disney Star Wars universe. Chuck Wendig weaves a complex narrative with multiple plotlines, interlude chapters, and a diverse set of characters, both new and familiar, to bring together a team in a messy yet intriguing way. The book introduces readers to a mix of new and old characters, including side roles by Wedge Antilles, Han, and Chewie, while exploring the aftermath of the Galactic Civil War.
The writing style of 'Aftermath' is described as clunky and awkward in the first two-thirds of the book, with interlude chapters breaking up the narrative flow. Despite these challenges, the novel manages to capture the essence of the Star Wars universe, featuring engaging protagonists like Norra, Sinjir, and Jas. The plot unfolds gradually, building up to action-packed sequences that satisfy Star Wars fans' expectations, while also introducing new elements and characters that set the stage for the subsequent books in the trilogy.
A ship drops out of hyperspace: a little Starhopper. A one-person ship. Favored by many of the less desirable factions out here in the Outer Rim—the pirates, the bookies, the bounty hunters and those ...