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Books matching: novella about loss

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  1. #1

    Grief is the Thing with Feathers by Max Porter

    Grief is the Thing with Feathers by Max Porter is a poetic and inventive novella that explores the themes of death, loss, and grief through the perspectives of a father, his two young sons, and a crow. The book switches between voices, offering a unique blend of poetry, near poetry, and irregular fiction to portray the journey of a family coping with the sudden loss of their wife and mother. Through the presence of Crow, who acts as both a tormentor and a healer, the family navigates the complexities of grief, finding moments of raw emotion, dark humor, and profound love.

    Four or five days after she died, I sat alone in the living room wondering what to do. Shuffling around, waiting for shock to give way, waiting for any kind of structured feeling to emerge from the or...

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