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Books matching: narcissistic husband

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  1. #1

    Best Day Ever by Kaira Rouda

    'Best Day Ever' by Kaira Rouda follows the story of Paul Strom, a narcissistic and controlling husband, who plans a romantic getaway for himself and his wife, Mia. As the day unfolds, cracks in their seemingly perfect marriage start to appear, revealing Paul's dark and manipulative nature. The story is narrated solely by Paul, providing insight into his twisted mindset and the unraveling of their relationship over the course of a day. The writing style is described as intense, psychological, and filled with unexpected events that keep the reader engaged until the explosive ending.

    I glance at my wife as she climbs into the passenger seat, sunlight bouncing off her shiny blond hair like sparklers lit for the Fourth of July, and I am bursting with confidence. Everything is as it ...

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