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Books matching: mystery surrounding edward shade

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  1. #1

    By Gaslight by Steven Price

    'By Gaslight' by Steven Price is a historical novel set in London and America, focusing on the mystery surrounding Edward Shade and the complex relationship between fathers and sons. The book is known for its atmospheric writing style, intricate storytelling, and lack of traditional punctuation such as quotation marks, which may initially confuse readers but eventually adds depth to the characters' interior lives. The narrative weaves between different time periods and locations, immersing readers in the gaslit streets of London, civil war battles, and eerie séances, creating a rich tapestry of interconnected stories and memories.

    He wore his black moustaches long in the manner of an outlaw and his right thumb hooked at his hip where a Colt Navy should have hung. He was not yet forty but already his left knee went stiff in a da...

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