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Books matching: mysteries of the lord ruler

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  1. #1
    The Hero of Ages
    Book 3 in the series:Mistborn

    The Hero of Ages - Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson

    'The Hero of Ages' by Brandon Sanderson is the thrilling conclusion to the Mistborn trilogy. The book follows Empress Vin and Emperor Elend as they strive to uncover the mysteries left behind by the Lord Ruler and save their world from impending catastrophe. The plot is fast-paced, with intricate world-building, fabulous character development, and unexpected twists that keep readers engaged till the very end. Sanderson's writing style weaves together multiple plot threads, creating a captivating story that ties up loose ends in a satisfying and clever manner.

    FATREN SQUINTED UP AT THE RED SUN, which hid behind its perpetual screen of dark haze. Black ash fell lightly from the sky, as it did most days lately. The thick flakes fell straight, the air stagnant...

    (Also, see 100 recommendations for the series Mistborn )

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