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Books matching: mass shooting investigation

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  1. #1
    Book 1 in the series:Martin Scarsden

    Scrublands - Martin Scarsden by Chris Hammer

    Journalist Martin Scarsden is dispatched to the small town of Riversend one year after a mass shooting to report on the town's recovery. As he investigates the murders of two backpackers, he uncovers a complex web of secrets and mysteries within the community. The book weaves together various contemporary threads, including Martin's own PTSD, the town's tragic history, and the ambiguity surrounding the town's name. The story is set in a drought-ridden outback town, where the heat and desolation play a significant role in shaping the events.

    The plot of 'Scrublands' is filled with twists and turns, revealing unexpected connections and motivations behind the characters' actions. The book delves into themes of journalism, crime, and small-town dynamics, offering a compelling narrative that keeps readers engaged. The writing style evokes a vivid sense of place, with detailed descriptions of the setting and well-developed characters that add depth to the story.

    MARTIN SCARSDEN STOPS THE CAR ON THE BRIDGE LEADING INTO TOWN, LEAVING the engine running. It’s a single-lane bridge—no overtaking, no passing—built decades ago, the timber milled from local river red...

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