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Books matching: margaret of scotland

3 result(s)

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  1. Queen Hereafter is a historical fiction novel that delves into the life of Margaret of Scotland, focusing on the early years of her marriage to King Malcolm. The story also introduces a fictional character named Eva, the illegitimate daughter of Macbeth's heir, who brings a different perspective to the tale. The book explores themes of loyalty, storytelling, and the power dynamics between the characters, providing a readable and engaging narrative set in eleventh-century Scotland.

    My lady mother was so sure the English king planned to be rid of us the moment we set foot on his Saxon shores that she refused to sail there from Denmark. But we had been journeying for months after ...

  2. #2

    Mary Queen of Scotland and The Isles by Margaret George

    'Mary Queen of Scotland and The Isles' by Margaret George is a historical fiction novel that delves into the life of Mary, Queen of Scots, from her birth to her execution. The book paints a detailed picture of Mary's struggles, triumphs, and the political and religious intrigues she faced during her reign. The writing style of the book is described as sprawling, with a lot of description at times, and the point of view changes regularly. The novel covers Mary's relationships with key figures like Queen Elizabeth I and her husbands, depicting her as a complex and sometimes flawed character.

    In the smoky blue mist it was impossible to see anything except more mist. The sun, shrouded and muffled, wore a fuzzy circle of light ) around itself and was the one thing the men could sight on as t...

  3. #3

    Three Sisters, Three Queens - The Plantagenet and Tudor Novels by Philippa Gregory

    "Three Sisters, Three Queens" by Philippa Gregory focuses on the story of Margaret Tudor, the oldest sister of Henry VIII, Mary Tudor, the youngest sister of Henry VIII, and Katherine of Aragon, the first wife of Henry. The narrative is told in the first person by Margaret, providing a look at the historical complications of royalty during the Middle Ages. The story delves into Margaret's jealousy towards Katherine, her marriages, particularly to James IV of Scotland and Archibald Douglas, and the challenges she faces in maintaining her status and relationships. also touches on the relationships between the three sisters-in-law, with fictional letters from Katharine and Mary providing additional perspectives.

    The novel gives readers an interesting insight into the lesser-known historical figure of Margaret Tudor and provides a mix of historical facts and fictional storytelling. It explores the relationships, rivalries, and challenges faced by the Tudor women, offering a glimpse into their lives as queens in England, Scotland, and France. The writing style, though not universally praised, offers an immersive experience into the royal world of the Tudor era through Margaret's viewpoint, adding depth to her character and the historical events surrounding her.

    It is my lady mother who insists that Katherine visit us at Baynard’s Castle before the wedding, and she is accompanied by her own court, who have come all the way from Spain—at our expense, as my fat...

    (Also, see 100 recommendations for the series The Plantagenet and Tudor Novels )

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