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Books matching: kyoto geisha community

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  1. #1

    Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden

    'Memoirs of a Geisha' by Arthur Golden is a captivating historical fiction novel that follows the life of Sayuri, a young girl who is sold into the world of geishas in pre-WWII Japan. The book provides a detailed insight into the life of a geisha, from the elaborate ceremonies and dances to the personal struggles and triumphs of the main character. The writing style of the book is described as beautifully written, engaging, and almost lyrical, transporting readers to a different time and place with vivid descriptions and rich detail.

    Suppose that you and I were sitting in a quiet room overlooking a garden, chatting and sipping at our cups of green tea while we talked about something that had happened a long while ago, and I said t...

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