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Books matching: kidnapping high profile individuals

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  1. #1
    The Siege
    Book 17 in the series:Alan Gregory

    The Siege - Alan Gregory by Stephen White

    'The Siege' by Stephen White is a gripping thriller that takes readers on a high-stakes journey involving the kidnapping of high-profile individuals associated with Yale secret societies. The novel follows ex-cop Sam Purdy as he navigates through a complex crisis involving hostages, terrorists, and the FBI. The plot unfolds through multiple points of view, including Sam, FBI and CIA agents, and a hostage negotiator, offering a tense and suspenseful narrative that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. White's writing style is praised for its skillful dialogue, strong characterization, and ability to weave a thrilling story within the contemporary American landscape without being preachy.

    Through a series of unexpected twists and turns, 'The Siege' delves into the audacious actions of the kidnappers, the challenges faced by the protagonists, and the mystery surrounding the terrorists' motives. The novel keeps readers engaged with its fast-paced storytelling, intricate plot, and compelling characters, making it a truly absorbing and captivating read that showcases White's talent for crafting suspenseful narratives.

    Although the structure’s Ionic columns suggest the imperial, like a treasury, or evoke the divine, like a temple, the word “tomb” is the tag attached by the community. The building puts out no mat and...

    (Also, see 57 recommendations for the series Alan Gregory )

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