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Books matching: investigation of celebrity disappearance

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  1. #1
    Book 1 in the series:Dave Brandstetter

    Fadeout - Dave Brandstetter by Joseph Hansen

    'Fadeout' by Joseph Hansen follows the story of Dave Brandstetter, an insurance investigator dealing with the loss of his long-time partner. Set in Southern California, the novel presents a mystery where Brandstetter must uncover the truth behind a local celebrity's disappearance to validate a life insurance claim. Through tight, expressive prose, the author unravels buried secrets, relationships, and prejudices within the small town, all while depicting Brandstetter's own journey of grief and investigation. The writing style effectively sets up a bleak atmosphere, intertwining the detective's personal struggles with the mystery he is trying to solve.

    Fog shrouded the canyon, a box canyon above a California ranch town called Pima. It rained. Not hard but steady and gray and dismal. Shaggy pines loomed through the mist like threats. Sycamores made w...

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