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Books matching: historical montreal setting

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  1. #1

    The Lonely Hearts Hotel by Heather O'Neill

    Set in Montreal during the 1900s, 'The Lonely Hearts Hotel' by Heather O'Neill follows the intertwined journeys of two orphans, Rose and Pierrot, through their highs and lows, despairs, and love. The book is described as a sad and magical fairytale, with a moody, eccentric tale of two people drawn together as though by fate. The story centers around their complementary talents - Pierrot as a piano prodigy and Rose as a choreographer, navigating through the seedy underbelly of Montreal while holding onto their mutual dream of a real show. O'Neill's writing style is praised for its brilliance, rich and thoughtful words, and the unique balance of whimsy and depravity, creating a dark and sometimes magical fairytale experience for the readers.

    The orphanage was on the northern boundary of the city. If you went to where the city ended and then walked two thousand paces, you would come upon the orphanage, although it isn’t there now. It was a...

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