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Books matching: ghost hunting psychologist

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  1. #1
    City of Masks
    Book 1 in the series:Cree Black

    City of Masks - Cree Black by Daniel Hecht

    'City of Masks' in the 'Cree Black' series by Daniel Hecht follows the paranormal detective Cree Black as she navigates the haunted city of New Orleans. The narrative seamlessly weaves together Cree's personal struggles with her profession as a ghost-hunting psychologist, creating a dark and intriguing thriller that explores themes of mystery, ghosts, and the supernatural. The author's detailed descriptions of the city and the ghostly menace within Beauforte House bring the setting alive, while the well-drawn and sympathetic characters drive the story forward, keeping readers engaged till the end.

    "No. A nickname. Short for Lucretia, which by the time I was five years old struck me as too old-fashioned to live with. You're welcome to call me Ms. Black, Mr. Beauforte." Cree smiled but put enough...

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