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Books matching: exaggerated and melodramatic characters

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  1. #1

    Love and Friendship by Jane Austen

    'Love and Friendship' by Jane Austen is a collection of the author's early writings, showcasing her development as a writer from a young age. The book includes short stories, letters, and a one-act play, all filled with wit, satire, and humor typical of Austen's style. The plot revolves around themes such as love, friendship, family relationships, societal norms, and the pursuit of a suitable spouse, presented through a series of letters and narratives that provide a glimpse into Austen's sharp observations and storytelling skills.

    You may imagine how greatly we were surprised by the sudden departure of Lord St Clair. "Ignoble Grand-sire!" exclaimed Sophia. "Unworthy Grandfather!" said I, and instantly fainted in each other's ar...

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