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Books matching: encouraging messages

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  1. #1

    The Wonderful Things You Will Be by Emily Winfield Martin

    'The Wonderful Things You Will Be' by Emily Winfield Martin is a heartwarming tale that portrays a parent's musings about who their child will grow up to be. The story is filled with encouraging and uplifting messages that celebrate individuality, creativity, and wholesome character traits. Through vivid and captivating illustrations, the book conveys a strong sense of wonder and admiration towards the potential of children, urging them to embrace adventure and take care of others. The writing style is described as having a comfortable progression of rhyming phrases that flow smoothly, accompanied by whimsical and unique illustrations that captivate both children and adults alike.

  2. #2

    Oh, the Places You'll Go! by Dr. Seuss

    'Oh, the Places You'll Go!' by Dr. Seuss is a whimsical and inspirational book that follows the journey of life through colorful illustrations and rhyming text. The book encourages readers, both young and old, to embrace the challenges and adventures that come with growing up, while emphasizing the message that one can achieve anything they set their mind to. Through a mix of fantasy and reality, the book explores the ups and downs of life, teaching valuable lessons about perseverance, self-belief, and resilience.

    This classic Dr. Seuss book does not have a defined plot but rather focuses on the different places one may go in life and the experiences they may encounter along the way. It serves as a source of encouragement and motivation for readers of all ages, reminding them that life is full of twists and turns but with determination and a positive mindset, one can overcome any obstacle and reach their full potential.

  3. Tim Wise's 'White Like Me: Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son' is a personal examination of white privilege and systemic racism in America. Wise details how his own white privilege has shaped his life, opportunities, and experiences, offering an eye-opening explanation of the insidious nature of racism in society. Through personal anecdotes and reflections, Wise aims to raise awareness and encourage readers to counteract white privilege in their daily lives.

    IT’S A QUESTION no one likes to hear, seeing as how it typically signifies an assumption on the part of the questioner that something is terribly wrong, something that defies logic and begs for an exp...

  4. "Battlefield Of The Mind: Winning The Battle In Your Mind" by Joyce Meyer focuses on the power of thoughts and the importance of controlling one's mind. Meyer uses Biblical principles to explain how negative thoughts can impact one's life and provides strategies to overcome them. is structured around common mindsets, the mind of Jesus, and ten wilderness mentalities that hinder personal growth. Readers have found the book insightful, thought-provoking, and helpful in understanding the connection between thoughts, feelings, and actions.

    For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the despotisms, against the powers, against [the master spirits who are] the world rulers of this p...

  5. #5
    Sunny Side Up
    Book 1 in the series:Sunny

    Sunny Side Up - Sunny by Jennifer L. Holm

    In the graphic novel Sunny Side Up by Jennifer L. Holm, ten-year-old Sunny spends her summer with her grandfather in Florida while her family deals with her older brother's substance abuse issues. Through flashbacks and present-day interactions, readers witness Sunny navigate family secrets, guilt, and finding solace in comics and newfound friendships. The story is set in the summer of 1976, blending a poignant narrative with moments of humor and heartwarming relationships.

    The book seamlessly weaves important social messages about substance abuse, family dynamics, and friendship into a relatable and engaging story. Through the character of Sunny, readers experience a child's perspective on dealing with challenging family issues, learning to cope with guilt, and finding support in unexpected places, all wrapped in a nostalgic setting of the 1970s.

  6. Erik Weihenmayer's book 'No Barriers: A Blind Man's Journey to Kayak the Grand Canyon' chronicles his inspiring journey of pushing boundaries and overcoming challenges. The book delves into Erik's personal struggles, triumphs, and the profound impact of his adventures on his own life and the lives of others. Through his engaging storytelling and raw emotional narratives, Erik motivates readers to break through their own barriers and strive for greatness.

    I wasn’t always completely blind. Even though I couldn’t see well from birth, I could still play basketball, ride my bike, and jump off rocks in the woods behind my house. Then, when I was three years...

  7. #7

    Daughters of Copper Woman by Anne Cameron

    'Daughters of Copper Woman' by Anne Cameron is a collection of legends, myths, and folk tales from the First Nations women of the American Northwest. The book delves into the culture of the Nuu chah nulth people, portraying their family structures, community foundations, hunting, and war through the stories shared by the elderly women. The tales cover a wide range of topics, from creation stories to the arrival of European settlers and the struggles faced by the indigenous people in preserving their traditions.

  8. #8

    The Downstairs Girl by Stacey Lee

    'The Downstairs Girl' by Stacey Lee is a historical fiction novel set in late 1800's post Civil War Atlanta, focusing on the life of Jo Kuan, a Chinese American teenager facing issues of racism, discrimination, and gender inequality. Jo, living with her adopted father, Old Gin, navigates through a society filled with suffragists, racial tensions, and societal expectations. The story unfolds as Jo works as a maid for a wealthy family while secretly writing an advice column, addressing the injustices and inequities of Atlanta society. The narrative delves into themes of identity, prejudice, and empowerment, offering a glimpse into the Chinese American experience during that era.

    Being nice is like leaving your door wide-open. Eventually, someone’s going to mosey in and steal your best hat. Me, I have only one hat and it is uglier than a smashed crow, so if someone stole it, t...

  9. 'It's Called a Breakup Because It's Broken: The Smart Girl's Break-Up Buddy' by Greg Behrendt is a guide aimed at helping individuals navigate through the emotional turmoil of a breakup. The book offers practical advice, insightful perspectives, and real-life experiences to assist readers in moving on from a broken relationship. Written in a direct and humorous style, Greg Behrendt provides a fresh outlook on breakups, emphasizing the importance of self-love, acceptance, and personal growth. Through a combination of personal anecdotes, reader stories, and actionable tips, the book guides readers on a journey of healing and self-discovery post-breakup.

    The book addresses common post-breakup behaviors, offers encouragement, and provides a roadmap for readers to work on themselves and create positive changes in their lives. Greg Behrendt and Amiira Ruotola-Behrendt share their own struggles and lessons learned from past relationships, creating a relatable and empathetic narrative for readers going through heartbreak. With a focus on self-care, empowerment, and resilience, 'It's Called a Breakup Because It's Broken' serves as a supportive companion for anyone seeking guidance and reassurance during the challenging period of a breakup.

  10. #10

    Shockaholic by Carrie Fisher

    'Shockaholic' by Carrie Fisher is a short but engaging memoir that delves into the author's personal life and experiences, including encounters with famous figures like Michael Jackson and a senator. Fisher's writing style is praised for its wit, humor, and candidness, particularly in discussing her mental health struggles and family dynamics. The book offers a glimpse into the complexities of Hollywood fame and the personal challenges faced by the author, all presented in a self-deprecating yet insightful manner.

    What was it I wanted to tell you?Was it the new T-shirt-ready saying I came up with: “There’s no room for demons when you’re self-possessed”? No, that wasn’t it, although I did want to get that in som...

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