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Books matching: economic inequality solutions

2 result(s)

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  1. #1

    Angrynomics by Eric Lonergan, Mark Blyth

    'Angrynomics' by Eric Lonergan and Mark Blyth delves into the relationship between economics and societal anger, offering insights into the rise of right-wing governments and the shift away from neoliberal ideology. The authors discuss the impact of inequality, propose solutions to avoid economic crashes, and provide a critical analysis of economic mechanisms. also explores the emotional aspects of anger and its consequences on identity, combining economic theories with sociological perspectives.

    Strong societies can bounce back from a punch in the face. Consider Iceland. If the run up to the financial crisis of 2008 was a party, Iceland was party central. Four Icelandic banks went on a frenzi...

  2. #2

    Capital in the Twenty-First Century by Thomas Piketty

    'Capital in the Twenty-First Century' by Thomas Piketty delves into the concept that wealth capital, rather than income, drives growing inequality, leading to an oligarchic society where the wealthy dictate terms to the less fortunate. Piketty provides a wealth of data on income and wealth disparities, mainly in Western countries, demonstrating a trend of increasing inequality over the years with dire social and political consequences. Through historical perspectives on inflation, capital accumulation, and taxation, Piketty argues for structural changes like a progressive capital tax to combat the rising wealth concentration among the privileged few.

    On August 16, 2012, the South African police intervened in a labor conflict between workers at the Marikana platinum mine near Johannesburg and the mine’s owners: the stockholders of Lonmin, Inc., bas...

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