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Books matching: diverse range of individuals in war

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  1. #1

    The Good War by Studs Terkel

    "The Good War" by Studs Terkel is an oral history of World War Two, capturing personal stories and experiences from a diverse range of individuals involved in the war. Through interviews with Americans from different walks of life, the book provides a unique and humanizing perspective on the various aspects of WWII, including the impact of the Atomic bomb, the social history of the war, and the personal struggles and triumphs faced by those caught up in the conflict. Terkel's writing style allows the reader to delve into the intimate details of wartime experiences, shedding light on the lesser-known narratives that often go untold in traditional historical accounts.

    A huge man, built along the lines of a sumo wrestler. He manages a complex of apartment buildings in Los Angeles. He could quite easily 6e the bouncer, too. He is resigned to the assortment of illness...

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