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Books matching: deportation during the holocaust

2 result(s)

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  1. Five Chimneys is a harrowing first-person account of Olga Lengyel's survival in Auschwitz and Birkenau during the Holocaust. Olga, along with her family, voluntarily accompanies her husband to Germany, only to end up in the nightmarish conditions of the concentration camps. The book details her experiences in a detached yet brutally honest manner, shedding light on the atrocities faced by the prisoners. Despite the lack of emotional narration, the story effectively conveys the horrors of Auschwitz through Olga's calm and matter-of-fact writing style.

    Mea culpa, my fault, mea maxima culpa! I cannot acquit myself of the charge that I am, in part, responsible for the destruction of my own parents and of my two young sons. The world understands that I...

  2. #2

    Sarah's Key by Tatiana de Rosnay

    The novel "Sarah's Key" by Tatiana de Rosnay tells the dual story of the Vel' d'Hiv' tragedy in Paris during WWII and the modern day journalist, Julia Jarmond, investigating it. The book intertwines the heartbreaking tale of a young Jewish girl, Sarah, who is separated from her parents during the roundup of Jews in 1942 Paris, and Julia's journey as she uncovers the history of the event while facing personal struggles. The author's writing style effectively weaves together past and present narratives, offering insight into the French reaction to the tragedy and exploring themes of love, acceptance, and understanding across generations.

    HE GIRL KEPT CLOSE to her parents. They walked all the way down her street, the man in the beige raincoat telling them to hurry up. Where were they going? she wondered. Why did they have to rush so? T...

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