Books matching: dark oppressive city
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The Walled City by Ryan Graudin is a fast-paced YA novel inspired by the real Kowloon Walled City in Hong Kong. The story follows three teenaged inhabitants - Dai, Jin, and Mei Yee - as they navigate the dangerous and violent world of the Walled City. The alternating points of view provide insight into their lives and struggles, from human trafficking and prostitution to survival and hope in a hopeless environment. The author's vivid world-building, detailed setting, and well-crafted characters create a gripping story that delves into themes of trust, survival, and the power of hope in a dark and oppressive world.
My lungs burn, bite for air. Water stings my eyes. Crumpled wrappers, half-finished cigarettes. A dead animal—too far gone to tell what it used to be. Carpets of glass, bottles smashed by drunk men. A...
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