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Books matching: complex relationships in plantation community

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  1. #1

    Conjure Women by Afia Atakora

    Conjure Women by Afia Atakora is a historical novel set during and after the Civil War, focusing on the lives of black women practicing hoodoo in the antebellum South. The story follows Rue, a young slave girl who learns the art of healing and magic from her mother, May Belle, and later takes on the role of a conjure woman. The narrative delves into the brutality of slavery, the complex relationships within the plantation community, and the struggles faced by freed slaves as they navigate a world that is uncertain and unforgiving. Atakora's writing style seamlessly weaves together dual timelines, rich character development, and intricate plot twists, creating a compelling and poignant story that explores themes of resilience, identity, and the enduring power of hope.

    The black baby’s crying wormed and bloomed. It woke Rue by halves from her sleep so that through the first few strains of the sound she could not be sure when or where she was, but soon the feeble cry...

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