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Books matching: community of biracial people

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  1. #1

    Loving Day by Mat Johnson

    'Loving Day' by Mat Johnson follows the story of Warren Duffy, a biracial man who returns to America after a failed marriage and the death of his father. Warren, struggling with his identity, discovers he has a daughter named Tal, who is darker than him and raised in the Jewish faith. As they navigate their complex relationship, they become involved with a community of biracial people, including a cultish school that challenges their perceptions of race and identity. The novel is a funny, satirical, and sometimes poignant exploration of American racial politics, mixed with dark humor and autobiographical elements.

    IN THE GHETTO THERE IS A MANSION, and it is my father’s house. It sits on seven acres, surrounded by growling row homes, frozen in an architectural class war. Its expansive lawn is utterly useless, wi...

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