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Books matching: brutal belgian rule

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  1. #1
    Book 1 in the series:Everfair

    Everfair - Everfair by Nisi Shawl

    Everfair by Nisi Shawl is a steampunk alternate history novel set in an African utopia called Everfair, challenging the brutal Belgian rule in Congo. The book spans 30 years and features a diverse ensemble cast of characters from various backgrounds, exploring themes of agency, colonialism, and the impact of individual actions on history. The writing style includes jumps in time between chapters, providing a prologue-like structure that drives home the alternate history aspect and emphasizes the power of personal narratives in shaping the future.

    Lisette Toutournier sighed. She breathed in again, out, in, the marvelous air smelling of crushed stems, green blood bruised and roused by her progress along this narrow forest path. Her progress, and...

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