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Books matching: bravery and tenacity of russians

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  1. #1

    Last Citadel: A Novel of the Battle of Kursk - WWII by David L. Robbins

    'Last Citadel: A Novel of the Battle of Kursk' by David L. Robbins is a historical fiction novel set during WWII, focusing on the Battle of Kursk. The book delves into the bravery and tenacity of the Russians, the tank battles, and the intricate details of individual characters like tank driver Dimitri Berko and double agent Colonel Abram Breit. The writing style immerses the reader in the history through appealing fictional and some non-fictional characters, taut writing, and a wonderful sense of place.

    The SS colonel eased shut the high, heavy door. The portal closed with a hiss and a soft tap. How many trees went into this, he wondered, lives sacrificed out of the forest to make one of Hitler’s cas...

    (Also, see 100 recommendations for the series WWII )

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