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Books matching: boarding school for lost children

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  1. #1

    Every Heart a Doorway - Wayward Children by Seanan McGuire

    'Every Heart a Doorway' by Seanan McGuire is a fantasy novella set at Eleanor West's Home for Wayward Children, where children who have visited fantasy worlds and returned to the real world gather. The story follows Nancy and other misfit children as they navigate the challenges of adjusting to reality after experiencing magical realms. The writing style is described as beautiful, lyrical, and seamlessly weaving world-building and character development to explore themes of self-acceptance, fitting in, and longing for a place to call home.

    THE HABIT OF NARRATION, of crafting something miraculous out of the commonplace, was hard to break. Narration came naturally after a time spent in the company of talking scarecrows or disappearing cat...

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