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Books matching: american life in the late 1980s

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  1. #1
    Rabbit at Rest
    Book 4 in the series:Rabbit Angstrom

    Rabbit at Rest - Rabbit Angstrom by John Updike

    'Rabbit at Rest' by John Updike is the fourth and final installment in the Rabbit Angstrom series, following the life of Harry Rabbit Angstrom in his hometown near Brewster, Pennsylvania. The book delves into Rabbit's midlife crises, his relationships with his family, particularly his son Nelson, and the conflicts that arise within the family. Set in the late 80s, the novel captures the essence of American life during that time period, exploring themes of family dynamics, societal mores, and personal introspection. Updike's writing style intricately weaves together detailed observations, vivid descriptions, and inner narratives, providing a deep insight into Rabbit's character and his journey through life.

    STANDING amid the tan, excited post-Christmas crowd at the Southwest Florida Regional Airport, Rabbit Angstrom has a funny sudden feeling that what he has come to meet, what’s floating in unseen about...

    (Also, see 100 recommendations for the series Rabbit Angstrom )

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