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Books matching: afro caribbean folklore

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    Brown Girl in the Ring by Nalo Hopkinson

    Brown Girl in the Ring by Nalo Hopkinson is a science fiction novel set in a post-apocalyptic Toronto where the inner city has been abandoned by the wealthy. The story follows Ti Jeanne, a young woman with a Caribbean heritage and magical abilities, who must navigate the dangerous world of the inner city. As she deals with family conflicts and faces off against local gangsters, Ti Jeanne embraces her ancestral powers to protect herself and her loved ones.

    Hopkinson's writing style blends science fiction with Afro-Caribbean folklore, creating a rich and vivid world filled with complex characters and mystical elements. The book explores themes of family, heritage, and resilience in the face of adversity, offering a unique and engaging take on urban fantasy and magical realism.

    Ti-Jeanne could see with more than sight. Sometimes she saw how people were going to die. When she closed her eyes, the childhood songs her grandmother had sung to her replayed in her mind, and dancin...

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