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Books matching: abused evacuee

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  1. #1

    Goodnight Mister Tom by Michelle Magorian

    "Goodnight Mister Tom" is a heartwarming story set during World War II, focusing on the relationship between an abused evacuee named William and a reclusive old man named Mr. Tom. The book beautifully portrays the blossoming friendship between the two characters as they heal each other's wounds and find love and happiness in the English countryside. The writing style is poignant and emotionally charged, addressing difficult topics such as child abuse and wartime loss with a delicate touch that resonates with readers of all ages.

    She stepped to one side. Behind the large iron gate which stood at the end of the graveyard were a small group of children. Many of them were filthy and very poorly clad. Only a handful had a blazer o...

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