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The Catcher in the Rye

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'The Catcher in the Rye' by J.D. Salinger follows the narrative of sixteen-year-old Holden Caulfield, who has recently been expelled from his fourth boarding school. The story unfolds as Holden decides to spend a night in New York City before facing his parents, showcasing his encounters with old friends, strangers, and his inner turmoil. Through Caulfield's stream of consciousness narration, readers delve into his rebellious and angst-ridden journey, exploring themes of teenage alienation, identity crisis, and the disillusionment with the adult world.

The novel is characterized by a unique writing style that captures the raw emotions and turbulent thoughts of its protagonist. Salinger's portrayal of Holden's inner turmoil and his cynical perspective on society resonates with readers, offering a poignant exploration of adolescent struggles and the quest for authenticity amidst a world perceived as phony.


The characters are largely centered around Holden Caulfield, who is portrayed as cynical and troubled, with a particular fondness for his innocent sister, Phoebe, while often dismissing others as phonies.


The writing style is characterized by a conversational tone, repetition, and fragmented thoughts that effectively replicate the mental state of Holden Caulfield.


The plot follows Holden Caulfield's wandering journey through New York City after being expelled from school, emphasizing his introspective thoughts and lack of meaningful experiences.


The setting is primarily post-war New York City, which enhances the themes of alienation and introspection in the story.


The pacing is slow and reflective, emphasizing Holden's internal struggles over external action.
IF YOU REALLY WANT TO HEAR about it, the first thing you’ll probably want to know is where I was born, and what my lousy childhood was like, and how my parents were occupied and all before they had me...


The Catcher in the Rye was first published in 1951 and has become a classic of American literature.
Holden Caulfield, the protagonist, is a 16-year-old who has been expelled from several prep schools prior to the events of the novel.
The story takes place over a few days as Holden wanders New York City before returning home to face his parents after his expulsion.
Holden is known for his cynical view of the world, referring to many people as 'phonies'.
The title refers to Holden's fantasy of being 'the catcher in the rye', a protector of children's innocence.
The novel addresses themes of teenage angst, alienation, and the struggles of growing up.
It's famous for its unique and colloquial first-person narrative style, closely resembling spoken language.
Holden's character is often polarizing; many readers either empathize with him or find him irritating and self-centered.
The Catcher in the Rye has been challenged and banned numerous times due to its language and themes, including sex, depression, and rebellion.
The book was associated with several high-profile crimes, including the assassination of John Lennon by Mark David Chapman, who was found with a copy of the novel at the time of his arrest.

Sensitive Topics/Content Warnings

Content warnings include strong language, discussions of depression, suicide, and underage sexual content.

From The Publisher:

The "brilliant, funny, meaningful novel" (The New Yorker) that established J. D. Salinger as a leading voice in American literature-and that has instilled in millions of readers around the world a lifelong love of books.

"If you really want to hear about it, the first thing you'll probably want to know is where I was born, and what my lousy childhood was like, and how my parents were occupied and all before they had me, and all that David Copperfield kind of crap, but I don't feel like going into it, if you want to know the truth."

The hero-narrator of The Catcher in the Rye is an ancient child of sixteen, a native New Yorker named Holden Caufield. Through circumstances that tend to preclude adult, secondhand description, he leaves his prep school in Pennsylvania and goes underground in New York City for three days.

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13 comment(s)

Hated It
9 hours

If you were to put me in a room with Hitler and Holden Caulfield and hand me a gun with one bullet in it I'd shoot Hitler in the face then pistol whip Holden Caulfield to death. Holden Caulfield is possibly the least likeable fictional character in the history of the English language. Salinger became a recluse to hide from the shame of this horrible novel.

Hated It
6 days

I've heard about this book for a good portion of my life but I'm not even sure what I read. Fast read, definitely but didn't do any impact whatsoever for me. As famous as it is I had hoped for at least some strong opinion. But this was more of a "meh" read. Perhaps I'll read this on a later day and get another result

1 month

i could really immerse into this book because of how relatable it is. i’ve read it at least 12 times and i loved it even more with every read.

Did Not Like
1 month

Highly unlikeable protagonist

2 months

omg wow

Did Not Like
2 months

I think I was too old to love this book when I finally read it, which wasn't until college or maybe after. Or maybe it's that I was never a thirteen year old boy. I kind of just wanted to slap some sense into the little brat.

I do see why it's a classic, though. You never want to slap characters in a book that's just boring.

Did Not Like
3 months


Review soon

3 months

Hay muchas opiniones diciendo que este libro es malo porque al protagonista no hay quien le quiera.

Y me pregunto si el objetivo de un libro es leer sobre gente maravillosa?

En este caso nos encontramos con un adolescente que no sabe lo que quiere pero que tiene claro todo lo que odia en este mundo. Se va a pasar el libro explicando lo que le gusta y lo que le disgusta, hablando mal de la gente a su alrededor y de si mismo.

Un adolescente vacilando ente su complejo de superioridad y el de inferioridad y enfrentandose a una depresion que quiza viene de que su hermano haya muerto.

Es un libro donde no pasa gran cosa pero aun asi se hace llevadero.

No es un libro para que te guste el protagonista, pero un libro donde se puede leer el sufrimiento de ser consciente de uno mismo en la adolescencia.

Did Not Like
5 months


Liked It
6 months

i related too much to Holden Caulfield as a teen to really appreciate this one lol

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