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Martin Fierro

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'Martin Fierro' by Jose Hernandez is an epic poem that depicts the life of a Gaucho in Argentina who faces mistreatment, exploitation, and betrayal by society. The protagonist, Martin Fierro, loses his home, family, and freedom when he is conscripted, leading him to rebel against the unfair treatment he receives. The book is divided into two parts, with the first part focusing on Martin Fierro's struggles and confrontations with authority figures, while the second part delves into the lives of his sons and other gaucho characters. The writing style of the book is in verse, reflecting the language and speech of the Gauchos, and is narrated by a guitar player, adding a musical element to the storytelling.


The writing combines poetic verse with cultural speech patterns, offering a lyrical yet accessible reflection of gaucho life.


The narrative centers on a gaucho's tumultuous life, detailing his struggles with societal rejection, military conscription, and his quest for identity.


The backdrop is set in 19th century Argentina, predominantly in rural areas, highlighting the gaucho's environment and societal challenges.


The pacing varies, with an engaging first part followed by a more reflective and slower second section.


Martin Fierro is an epic poem divided into two parts.
The first part was published in 1872 and the second in 1879.
It tells the story of a gaucho, a marginalized and exploited figure in Argentina.
Jose Hernandez wrote the poem to highlight the issues faced by gauchos after the fall of dictator Juan Manuel de Rosas.
The poem reflects the struggles of gauchos who contributed to Argentina's independence but were later abused and neglected.
The narrative includes musical elements, with the characters telling their stories accompanied by a guitar.
Many consider Martin Fierro to be a national symbol of the gaucho and their ideals.
The poem has been translated into nineteen languages, showcasing its universal appeal.
It blends themes of social protest and identity loss among the gaucho community.
Hernandez's language captures the essence of gaucho speech, making the poem culturally significant.

Sensitive Topics/Content Warnings

Triggers/content warnings for Martin Fierro include depictions of violence, social oppression, and themes of exploitation and loss.

From The Publisher:

Esta obra fue creada enn dos epocas consecutives, aprecio la primer parte en 1872 como El gauncho MartinFierro; siete años nas tarde se publicaba La vuelta de Martin Fierro.

A partir de la ultima ambas partes se publicaron siempre unidas en un unico poema que llego converirse sen la obra arentina por excelecia. Martin Fierro, nombre del proagonista esta, escrita en la lengua propiade los gauchos y en un estilo rustic que expresa en forma autobiografica las vicistudes del mundo de la pampa.

Sus verso son una constant denuncia de la injusa persecucion que sufren los gaucho por los colonizadores espanoles, admenas de ser el gran simbolo tracial y la mas genuine expression del nacionalismo de este pueblo y areas colindates.a

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1 year

Aunque tiene una buena representación de la historia argentina, la composición del texto no es agradable a la hora de leer.

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