Nice to meet you,
I started writing fiction in response to a winter scene in the audiobook of Little Women. That or the goings-on in Frog and Toad.
Londst is a good starting point whilst Prince of the Apple Towns is the first book in the James and Jones fantasy series.
Both of the above and the first poetry collection - Dances, Towers, Hills & Skies - came into being due to a desire to have a break from
writing what was becoming a grand fantasy epic (I'd been at it for years on and off and just had to get away from it).
The epic in question surfaced as Selected Celeste and that title is probably half what was going to be the original book
(just had to get it out there and when it was finally released it was as if a great weight had been lifted).
It's rare for the radio or a playlist not be playing when I'm at work or rest in Liverpool (classical, jazz, trance; progressive house,
electronic, gregorian chant or deep house).
Thank you for reading and best wishes
Books Rated/Reviewed by Del Elle
It was the first book of the Chronicles of Narnia that I ever came across and the one that I have read the most.
Some of the characters are still with me, and I love how Lewis' prose and Pauline Baynes' illustrations combine beautifully.